Avatar: The Last Air Bender

Avatar: The Last Airbender (Avatar: The Legend of Aang in some regions) is an American animated television series that aired for three seasons (referred to as "books" in each episode's title card) on Nickelodeon from 2005 to 2008
he series follows the adventures of protagonist twelve-year-old Aang and his friends, who must bring peace and unity to the world by ending the Fire Lord's war against the other three nations.[4] The pilot episode first aired on February 21, 2005,[5] and the series concluded with a widely praised two-hour episode on July 19, 2008
OAL: Once Again not a true Anime as it is american Made Like Robotech and RWBY, But it is heavily influenced by Anime so I will list it.
I own the dvds for this show I love it so much and sat through the sequel that was not as good. I mean really how could you not just love Zuko's story arc?
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