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Algernon Ni Hanataba O

  • Drama: Flowers for Algernon

  • Romaji: Algernon ni Hanataba o

  • Japanese: アルジャーノンに花束を

Shiratori Sakuto is 28, but has the intelligence of a 6-year-old boy. He works for Dream Flower Service, a flower distribution centre which provides employment for problem youth. One day, he and a colleague, Yanagawa Ryuichi, delivers a rose bouquet to the apartment building where Mochizuki Haruka lives. Because Haruka does not know that the deliveryman is mentally challenged, she is shocked by his response and tries to call the police. Haruka works for a brain physiology research centre where Professor Hachisuka Daigo has been studying the improvement of mental performance. He has succeeded in lab experiments on a white mouse called Algernon. Sakuto is transformed into a genius through surgery. But Algernon's new intelligence begins to fade, and he dies. Sakuto realises that his genius, too, is destined to leave him Source:

OAL: I was able to avoid having to read this in high school but I did know it by reputation and really wasn't interested in it. But being the completionist that I am I wanted to bring my Yamapi watched list to current. I am now sorry I waited as long as I did to see it because Yamashita Tomohisa totally owned the main part in this. His mannerisms in the beginning are spot on, we have a friend of the family who is autistic and I recognized the signs. As the story and the character changed so did the acting and you believed it. Yamapi has been criticized in the past for his "wooden acting" but this work just blew it out of the water.

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