Ito-kun A to E

Movie: Ito-kun A to E
Romaji: Ito-kun A to E (also known as the Many Faces of Ito)
Japanese: 伊藤くん A to E
Seijiro Ito (Masaki Okada) possesses good looks, but also has an overinflated ego. He gets involved with five different women. Rio Yazaki (Fumino Kimura) is one of the women involved with Seijiro Ito. She wants to revive her career as a screenwriter, by using other people's unhappiness. (
OAL: 4 women are dating one man..or want to date him...or just sleep with him. It is well done and I will watch the Movie once available. It is a different set up than most dramas and thats its appeal.
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